Homeschool vs. Public School vs. Private Schools: Which one is best?

Picking the right path for your child’s education is a important decision, particularly when it comes to choosing between a homeschooling program vs. public school and. private schools. You’re going to face questions such as “should I choose to homeschool?” “is the homeschooling method better than public school?” and “is private schooling better than public or homeschooling?” In addition to which choice is the most effective or appropriate for each child, you’ll be considering the expense of each education option. What is the most effective choice? That may depend on your family’s preferences, needs, and the decisions you make personally after prayer and consideration. These are the major differences among the pros, cons and the costs associated with each options. Additionally, we have provided suggestions on how to make the right selection for the best option for your child’s schooling.

Homeschool vs. Public School

You’ll notice the most variety of differences between homeschool or public school. Although the trend towards public schools and public education mandated by the state has led to many positive change in America and across the world however, homeschooling has its unique opportunities, challenges, and advantages that public schools simply cannot take into account.Read about At website If you’re asking if homeschooling is better than public schools, that could be a subject you’ll need to answer on a case-by-case basis.

What are the main differences?


  1. Individualized education. Parents decide on the curriculum for their children and are the ones who personally supervise their child’s education.
  2. Flexible time management. Schools can be scheduled by families in accordance with their schedule and personal preferences.
  3. One-on-one teaching. Parents can devote the time and attention that their child requires to learn.
  4. School at home. Children are at home their parents during school hours , instead of in a class.

Public School

  1. Comprehensive curriculum. Every public school is required to give a district-wide curriculum for all students of all grades.
  2. Learned by experienced professionals. Teachers must be certified by the state as well as hold a bachelor’s. Teachers must also pass background check.
  3. Group learning. Children are in class with at most 20 students in a group and are taught simultaneously.
  4. More resources available. Public schools provide extracurricular programs that include theatre, sport or debate as well as other clubs.
  5. Free.
  6. Flexibility. Both parents are able to work out of the home when needed or requested.

The Public School is at Home (Virtual School)

  1. Learning at home with trained professionals. Children stay at home, but is under the guidance of experts who are trained.
  2. The curriculum is district-wide or state-wide. Children are taught from a state-wide and district-wide program. They access classes online instead of in a traditional classroom.
  3. Very little interaction with other students. They don’t have a lot of interaction with their peers.
  4. Operates during regular school hours. Your child must be a part of and finish their assignments within a specified time frame during the daytime.

Cost of Homeschooling vs. Public Schools

The cost of homeschooling is greater than public school, especially according to which curriculum you choose to use. Public school, by law, is open to all.

The cost of homeschooling

Homeschooling may cost anything from a couple hundred to close to $1,000 per year, based upon the curriculum. They also will need to pay for extra resources and materials, but the expenses are decreased since you will only need to purchase items that your students might require or need. Also, numerous free resources are available, such as printables that are free to download. Parents can also save money by buying programs from other parents at home or at homeschool conventions.

Price of Public Schools

Public school is cost-free. However, you have to purchase school supplies. They are also significantly larger than they were last year. Families are expected to shell out an average $577 on school supplies this year. Students in middle school are expected to shell out on average $763. Parents of high school students must prepare to spend about $1,223 for school supplies.

Families also have to pay school fees that cover textbooks as well as the use of technology. These mandatory fees range between $20-$40 per pupil but could be higher. Some schools charge up to $300 for a compulsory Chromebook that students must purchase, even if they already have their own laptop or tablet. Schools also have the option of charging additional charges for other items such as the cost of textbooks and even a yearbook.

Extracurricular activities can be expensive also. Some public schools charge as much as $400 annually for student sports programs.

Homeschool vs. Private School

When deciding between homeschooling or private school, private schooling options can often give you the same opportunities like traditional schools with fewer disadvantages than what you might see when you attend a public-school. You can pick an Christian school which is more aligned with your family’s objectives or a private one that focuses heavily on academics. You ensure that trained professionals instruct your children and are assured that you’re on the same page with the educational program they’re implementing.

What are the main differences?

  • Smaller class sizes. Private Christian schools tend to have smaller class sizes than public schools.
  • Peer-to-peer relationships. Even with smaller classes, your kids will be able to establish and form relationships with peers and teachers.
  • Courses offered. A lot of private schools include the costs of textbooks as well as other supplies required for tuition costs.
  • Educational or faith-based. Christian schools as well as private schools are able to modify their curriculum and programs in order to conform to the biblical worldview or to meet specific learning objectives.
  • Tuition. Private schools are tuition-based, and have costs which could be significant especially for families with no income.

Cost of Homeschooling Vs. Private School

Even though private schools can cost thousands of dollars–which is a lot more than homeschooling, there’s plenty of scholarships to private schools. There are also a amount of private schools that are free. Boarding schools offer a viable alternative for financial savings.

The annual cost of a private school for students in the US is $12.350 for students in grades K-12. If you attend a private high school the cost per year is $16,040.

Homeschooling Vs. Traditional Schooling

Certainly, there are distinct learning differences between traditional and homeschooling.

Homeschool Learning

In a school-like environment children receive individual one-on-one instruction with either the teacher you choose or another in person or via DVD. Since you’re in charge of your child’s school schedule, you’re able to decide the pace at which to keep your child’s schooling. For instance If your child is able to breeze through math but is slow to learn reading, you may want to alter his schedule to meet his specific needs. You can also choose the appropriate timeframe to accommodate the required 180 days of school. As an example, you might opt for a shorter Christmas break , but no spring break so that you get your education done before traditional schools start for summer vacation.

You can also plan the quantity of your subjects you’ll cover during the year. If you think your child is able to finish most, if not all of the subjects by the end of the term, you have the chance to achieve your goal. One of the greatest advantages in homeschooling is that the child can learn at his individual pace and even take more time with specific subjects when required.

Traditional School Education

In a traditional school environment regardless of whether it is a private or public institution, your kid can learn from professionals who are trained in a classroom setting. Students’ classes can be as small as 10-30 students. Teachers in smaller classrooms might be able offer individualized guidance for students, but larger classroom sizes can make it difficult.

Teachers in state-run or private schools must be able to meet the state’s standards So their curriculums as well as lesson plans can be set according to established guidelines. Private schools can have more flexibility while public schools will be more strict with these guidelines. Students are also expected to take the time to prepare for and complete assessments of achievement, which are frequently required for accreditation.

Examining the pros and cons of schooling options

When you plan for your children’s futures, it is likely to have to evaluate the pros and cons of the choices for education available to you. Compare and contrast the benefits and drawbacks of homeschooling in-schooling through the public sector, or private schools.

Benefits of homeschooling

  • Parents have the ability to control the curriculum of their child and its educational goals.
  • Parents decide on the price and complexity of curriculum and materials. You also have the option of determining exactly what your child learning and ensure that their education is guided by the Biblical worldview.
  • Children live with one or both parents during the day long. This lets you give your child the emotional, mental and academic help you need for your child’s development.
  • Parents love flexibility to manage the school timetable.
  • Your children are safe in your in your care. Your influence is greater over the friendships that they build. There are also more opportunities for interacting with adults.
  • Testing is not required.

Benefits of Homeschooling

  • Requires a substantial commitment of time and effort from parents. This is especially important to be considered if own more than one kid.
  • It is possible that education will not be as well-rounded if parents avoid subjects like higher science, math, also foreign-language.
  • Parents who aren’t able to manage their time and organization skills will be unable to manage their time and fulfill their educational obligations.
  • Families might have a difficult having a difficult time finding social opportunities for their children, especially in areas that are less populated and do not have a nearby homeschool group, and if money constraints limit participation in extracurricular sports.

Benefits of Public School

  • Your child’s education and care are overseen by trained professionals.
  • There are many opportunities for your child to interact and socialize with other children.
  • The larger classrooms can inspire students to excel academically. It can also motivate students to perform better.
  • There are many extracurricular activities available. Your child will be able to take part in activities or clubs that interest them.

Disadvantages of Public School

  • Your child may be negatively influenced by other children and are not able to meet adults.
  • Students don’t have the ability to develop at their own pace. A few may struggle to grasp the concepts and then fall behind while the others in the class move forward.
  • Children are taught through a secular curriculum that is not based on a biblical basis.
  • A set, standard curriculum might not give the flexibility and opportunities for learning your child desires.
  • You may find it more difficult to establish full relationships with your children when they are away for 7-8 hours per day, 5 days a week.

Benefits of Private School

  1. A high academic focus. Private schools help students take on more academic challenges and achieve higher levels of results.
  2. Networking. Private schools offer community connections that can aid your child go after the degree or internship or career of their dreams.
  3. High-tech. Students have access to higher-quality computers and other technology.
  4. Biblical worldview. Christian private schools offer the same biblical worldview you would choose for your child’s homeschooling environment.
  5. Smaller class sizes. Private schools generally keep class sizes to 10 or fewer students. This gives teachers more chances for one-on-one time with pupils.

Benefits of Private School

  1. Expensive. Be prepared to invest at least $12,000- $20,000 for the education of your child.
  2. A lesser number of extracurricular activities. Private schools don’t offer the same diverse a selection of games or clubs, as do public schools.
  3. The pressure is higher. Students are under a lot of pressure to perform well in an institution that is private. A high standard of academics and high expectations could create anxiety and anxiety for students.
  4. Your child might be adversely influenced by other children and do not have many opportunities to interact with adults.
  5. Access to the program is limited. There might not be a suitable private school open to students in your location.

What to Consider When Choosing between Homeschool and Public School and Private School

For the decision between homeschooling, public schools, or private schools, you’ll need be aware of the specifics about each one of the options. Decide on the two you believe would work ideal for your family. Take a look at God’s Word for guidance and apply Biblical principles in making your decision. Some of the best questions to ask are “Which option is the most pleasing to God?” “Which one is the most spiritually beneficial to our family?” “Which one best will meet our family’s individual needs and goals?” If you know people with kids in one or all of these options for schooling, ask for their opinions and suggestions. Spend time praying together as members of your family. Request that the Lord will lead you and your spouse to the same decision.

Can You Homeschool?

Homeschooling is a personal decision that requires thought, consideration, and prayer. Simply because homeschooling can work in one family doesn’t ensure that it’s a good fit for another. It is a huge family and time commitment. As the teacher for your child you’re in charge of choosing your curriculum, making the school calendar, keeping up with daily assignments, and grading the work of your child. Also, you are legally responsible to your child’s education, and making sure that they’re meeting the requirements of the state. However, homeschooling can also be very rewarding.

It is our belief that we at BJU Press believe homeschooling is an excellent and extremely beneficial option for your child’s learning. There is no one else who knows your child’s personality as well as your own; consequently, you know your child’s academic strengths, weaknesses, hobbies and strengths better than any other parent. It’s possible that homeschooling is not appropriate for your family and that’s okay.

Whatever option you decide to go with decide to take your choice in light of God’s word and go through your choice with the confidence that you are pursuing His will in the lives of your family members.

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